Volunteer Positions
Set up
• Unload cars and trucks carrying the dresses and accessories
• Set up dressing rooms
• Set up dress racks
• Set up tables
• Hang dresses and put out accessories

Welcome Table
• Greet the girls
when they arrive
• Check school IDs and fill out any necessary documentation
• Direct girls to the dresses and demonstrations
• Explain to males that no men are allowed in the “shopping” or dressing areas

Personal Shopper
• Assist girls in finding the perfect dress and accessories
• Re-hang dresses on the appropriate racks
• Always be positive, supportive, encouraging, and tactfully honest

Take Down
• Pack accessories into appropriate containers
• Un-hang dresses
• Load dresses and accessories into designated cars/trucks
• Take down tables
• Take down dressing rooms
• Empty garbage
• Take down signs

Accessory Table
• Keep the tables organized and presentable
• Help the girls find accessories to go with their dress

Dressing Room Attendant
•Keep dressing rooms organized
•Re-hang dresses on the appropriate racks